Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

Desmids –
 Archaeplastida (Part) 

Observations on Closterium kuetzingii

Gallery Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger

Position in the EOL taxonomic tree. Please click on the tree view below to access EOL (Encyclopedia of Life).

Closterium kuetzingii Brébisson 1856

Most likely ID: n.a.

Basionym: n.a.

Add’l Synonyms: Stauroceras intermedium Kützing 1849
                               Closterium rostratum var. kuetzingii (Brébisson) Klebs 1879
                               Arthrodia kuetzingiis (Brébisson) Kuntze 1891
                               Closterium kuetzingii var. onychosporum West & G.S.West 1905
                               Closterium kuetzingii var. laeve Willi Krieger 1935
                               Stauroceras kuetzingii (Brébisson) Cedergren 1938
                               Closterium kuetzingii f. sigmoideum Irénée-Marie 1939

Closterium kuetzingii original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger
Closterium kuetzingii

Description: The cells are slender (L/W (15)–20–30–(40)) , spindle-shaped, almost straight, only slightly curved towards the cell ends, convex in the middle on the belly side. The cell ends are obliquely rounded, cell wall delicately striped, colorless to slightly brownish, without girdle bands. Similar forms are Closterium setaceum (is slimmer) and Closterium rostratum (significantly plumper).

Dimension: Length (200)–300–550–(700) µm, width (13)–15–25–(28) µm.

Occurrence:  Widely found in shore zones of clean lakes, ponds and other small bodies of water, sometimes also in plankton.

Left: Original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger.
Right: Photomicrograph by Prof. Lenzenweger. For microphotography, the microscope illumination was adjusted in such a way that as many features as possible that are important for species identification are prominently displayed.

Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

Curvature Index Closteriaceae

Characteristic data for the curvature according to Coesel & Meesters 2023

Curvature class: “almost straight” to “very slightly curved”

Curvature index: 0.000–0.132

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
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