Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

Desmids –
 Archaeplastida (Part) 

Observations on Cosmarium reniforme

Gallery Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger

Position in the EOL taxonomic tree. Please click on the tree view below to access EOL (Encyclopedia of Life).

Cosmarium reniforme (Ralfs) W.Archer 1874

Most likely ID: n.a.

Basionym: Cosmarium margaritiferum var. reniforme Ralfs 1848

Add’l Synonyms: Ursinella reniformis (Ralfs) Kuntze ????

Cosmarium reniforme original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger
Cosmarium reniforme

Dimension: Length 46–70 µm, width 40–60 µm.

Occurrence: Widely found in all types of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline waters, and not infrequently in plankton.

Left: Original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger.
Right: Photomicrograph by Angelika-Maria Opitz (St. Ulrich am Pillersee, Austria), handed over by Prof. Lenzenweger.

Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.

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