Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

Desmids –
 Archaeplastida (Part) 

Observations on Euastrum germanicum

Gallery Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger

Position in the EOL taxonomic tree. Please click on the tree view below to access EOL (Encyclopedia of Life).

Euastrum germanicum (Schmidle) Willi Krieger 1937
Most likely ID: n.a.

Basionym: Euastrum mononcylum var. germanicum Schmidle 1895

Add’l Synonyms: n.a.

Euastrum gemmatum original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger
Euastrum germanicum

Description: The cells are only a little longer then wide. The cell halves constist of five broadly rounded lobes. The vertex lobes which are outward somewhat widened are separated from the lobes by extended, inside rounded recessings. Each center of the cell halves showes a hemispheric bump. The cellwall is covered with parallel rows of spines. The central cuts are slender and broadly opened towards the periphery.

Dimension: Length (45)–50–60–(75?) µm, width (36)–42–54–(64?) µm, L/W (1.05)–1.1–1.2–(1.25).

Occurrence: Especially in medium acidic to weakly alcaline waters of ponds and alluvial areas (Danube meadows).
Mainly in Europe found, but probably ubiquitous.

Left: Original graphic by Prof. Lenzenweger.
Right: Photomicrograph by Prof. Lenzenweger. For microphotography, the microscope illumination was adjusted in such a way that as many features as possible that are important for species identification are prominently displayed.

Copyright by Prof. Rupert Lenzenweger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.

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