Observations on Gyrosigma acuminatum
Position in the EOL taxonomic tree. Please click on the tree view below to access EOL (Encyclopedia of Life).
Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 1853
Most likely ID: n.a.
Basionym: Frustulia acuminata Kützing 1833
Add’l Synonyms: Sigmatella acuta Kützing 1832
Sigmatella acuminata (Kützing) Brébisson & Godey 1835
Navicula acuminata (Kützing) Kützing 1844
Navicula spenceri Bailey ex Quekett 1848
Pleurosigma acuminatum (Kützing) W.Smith 1852
Pleurosigma spenceri (Bailey ex Quekett) W.Smith 1852
Gyrosigma spenceri (Bailey ex Quekett) Griffith & Henfrey 1856
Gyrosigma spenceri (W.Smith) Griffith & Henfrey 1856
Pleurosigma gracilentum Rabenhorst 1861
Scalptrum spenceri (Quekett) Kuntze 1891
Sampling date 07/2019. Scale bars indicate 50 µm.
Two images. Specimen in valvar view.
First: Focus is on epivalve.
Second: Optical cross-section showing chloroplasts and nucleus in the center of the cell.
Please click on < or > on the image edges or on the dots at the bottom edge of the images to browse through the slides!
Place name: Pond Domänental near Kronshagen (Kiel, Germany)
Latitude: 54.33211 Longitude: 10.060821
Microscope Zeiss Axioplan, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF images.
Sampling date 10/2018. Scale bar indicates 50 µm.
Cell in valvar view with optical transversal cut showing the nucleus and chloroplasts.
Place name: Hiddensee Bodden (Germany)
Latitude: 54.582633 Longitude: 13.115051
Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII.
© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
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