Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

 Extended Observation Descriptions 

Extended Observation Description on Pyxidicula spec.

Pyxidicula spec. as a Member of Neuston

The overview in Figure 1 shows a bacterial lawn, a number of circular structures, which on closer inspection are hourglass-shaped, and naked amoebae. The small watch glasses turned out to be shell (testate) amoebae  from the group of Arcellinida, genus Pyxidicula Ehrenberg 1938.

Figures 2 to 5 show several optical sections through the observed cells. In the group of four in Figure 2, the focus is on the level of the bacterial layer. In Figure 3 the focus is on the nuclei. Figure 4 presents the vesicular (ellipsoidal) nucleus with its large central nucleolus together with the contractile vacuoles, next to it an empty shell, where one can even see the fine granulation of the shell material (pseudochitin with sandpaper structure) and its beaded rim. In order to be able to display the surface structure of the shell material and the beaded rim equally sharply, several optical sections were combined using DOF image technology.

Sample from Pond Suploch, Hiddensee (Germany) Latitude: 54.538638, Longitude: 13.097802.

Pyxidicula spec.

Fig. 1: Overview of the water surface membrane with bacterial lawn, shell amoebae and naked amoebae.
Scale bar indicates 100 µm. 

Fig. 2: Pyxidicula spec. amoungst bacteria.
Scale bar indicates 10 µm.

Pyxidicula spec.

Fig. 3: Pyxidicula spec., focused on the level of the nuclei (arrow) and the contractile vacuoles (arrowhead).
Scale bar indicates 10 µm. 

Fig. 4: Pyxidicula with the typical vesicular nucleus and the two contractile vacuoles next to an empty shell (DOF image).
Scale bar indicates 10 µm.

Pyxidicula spec.

Fig. 5: Detail of Fig. 3. Nucleus with extraordinary structured nucleolus.
Scale bar indicates 10 µm. 

Fig. 6: Lateral view of a Pyxidicula showing the conical (v-shaped) pseudopodia (arrow).
Scale bar indicates 10 µm.

The aperture (the pseudostome, the shell opening) is almost as large as the shell diameter. The shells are shaped like a flattened hemisphere. Figure 5 shows a rarely observed nucleus figure with the additional zone of aberrant optical density in the center of the nucleolus.

The larger dots in the cell plasma are mitochondria. A piece of chitin from a mosquito that hatched in the sample container and then accidentally fell into the water and died opened up the opportunity to photograph a Pyxidicula cell in lateral view (Fig. 6). The shell cross section and the aperture are clearly visible. The observer can discover the way of attachment to the substrate and the shape of the pseudopodia.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
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