Collection of Microscopic Observations
  Below are links to descriptions of microscopic observations. This part of is under development.

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Unicellular organisms

  Amoebiod Protists - Amoebozoa
  Pyxidicula operculata — Pyxidicula operculata as a member of neuston
  Saccamoeba limax — Saccamoeba limax hunting for Pyxidicula operculata
  Chlorophytes - Chlorophyta
  Chlorella vulgaris — Chlorella vulgaris as zoochlorellae in cnidaria
  Eremosphaera viridis — Development of vegetative cells from cystozygotes in resting state
  Ciliates - Ciliophora
  Coleps hirtus — Anatomy of Coleps hirtus
  Platycola longicollis — Platycola longicollis on Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) filaments from a freshwater aquarium
  Vorticella — Binary fission in Vorticella spec.
  Diatoms - Bacillariophyta
  Melosira moniliformis — The sexual reproduction of Melosira moniliformis
  Heliozoa - Centroplasthelida
  Raphidocystis pallida — Raphidocystis pallida as neuston member
  Nucleariid Amoebae - Rotosphaerida
  Nuclearia — Defecation in Nuclearia spec.
  Nuclearia delicatula — Nuclearia delicatula, a multi-nucleated amoeboid
  Nuclearia simplex — Nuclearia simplex on Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) filaments from a freshwater aquarium


  Cnidarians - Cnidaria
  Hydra viridissima — Hydra viridissima amongst Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) filaments from a freshwater aquarium
  Rotifers - Rotifera
  Ptygura kostei — Ptygura kostei attached on Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) filaments from a freshwater aquarium
  Ptygura longicornis — Ptygura longicornis attached on Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) filaments from a freshwater aquarium
  © Wolfgang Bettighofer 2009 - 2023