Extended Observation Descriptions
Extended Observation Descriptions on Vorticella spec.
Vorticella Linnaeus, 1767
Cell Division in Vorticella
Fig. 1: Vorticella spec. shortly before binary fission. The macronucleus is located centrally, the contractile vacuole can be seen below.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
Fig. 2: Vorticella spec. shortly after binary fission. The daughter cell is still attached to the mother cell by a thin plasma thread.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
Fig. 3: Vorticella spec., the adoral zone of the membranelles develops in the newly formed cell (swarmer).
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
Fig. 4: Vorticella spec. The new cell has rounded off into a sphere and already has the appearance of the swarmer. The telotroch has formed, a special cilia for the swarmer’s rapid movement.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
Fig. 5: Another detailed view on a swarmer of Vorticella spec.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
On the transformation process into the swarmer stage
As can be seen in Figure 1, Peritrichia fold their peristome before starting binary fission. In Figures 2 and 3 the initial of the transitory ciliary girdle (telotroch) can be seen: the notches at the end of the outline of the conical part of the cell body. A constriction forms in the cortex (the complex cell membrane of the ciliates), from which numerous cilia slowly sprout, which then provide propulsion in the migration phase: the telotroch. In Figures 4 and 5 the ring-shaped bulge of the telotroch is clearly visible.
It was astonishing to observe how both cells were synchronized to extend their adorale zones of membranelles (AZM) of their peristomes. While this makes sense for the cell that keeps the stalk, the other cell, which has to swim away, had to retract the AZM again to get ready for the migration phase.
As I continued to observe, I could see the swarmer taking on a spherical shape and folding its AZM. Figures 4 and 5 show the telotroch clearly developed, the cilia are appr. 5 µm long. At this stage, the ciliary ring was slowly undulating, sometimes twitching, with a period of four to five seconds. At the end of this process, the cilia had grown up to a length of approx. 8 µm. The initially quite ataxic movements of the cilia (very jerky wave movements of the cilia ring) became more and more coordinated and faster over time, and the wave frequency increased to once per second.
Suddenly it was as if the engine had warmed up. The rapid movements of the cilia could no longer be observed separately, the cell violently tore at its thread-like connection to the mother cell, and a short time later it had detached.
When a swarmer takes root
The landing of a Vorticella swarmer with subsequent development of the stalk is also an interesting spectacle. In the swarmer state, the cell moves so that the folded peristome shows backwards. If the cell encounters a surface suitable for attachment during its underwater flight, it begins to press itself to this spot, stabilized by the propulsion of the telotroch. In this phase, the swarmer resembles a spinning top that has a little too little momentum and therefore begins to stagger. After a few minutes, the initial of the stalk has formed. Once the attachment is stable, the cilia of the telotroch stop beating. Its regression begins very quickly, but it takes some time for the cilia belt to regress completely. The Figures 6 to 11 show the entire cycle from landing to the adhesion, the subsequent development of the stalk, up to a renewed conversion into the swarmer stage, and finally the detachment from the stalk.
Fig. 6: Vorticella spec. shortly after fastening on the substratum. Fig. 7: Eight minutes later: The initial stalk has been formed, the telotroch is being degenerated. Fig. 8: Appr. 17 minutes later: The notch (arrowhead) represents the rest of the telotroch. Fig. 9: Appr. 50 minutes later: The initial notch of the newly forming telotroch (arrowhead) is visible again. Fig. 10: Appr. 90 minutes later: The development of the new telotroch has been completed. Fig. 11: Appr. 100 minutes later: We see the remaining stalk (arrowhead), together with a Raphidocystis tubifera.
Scale bar indicates 25 µm.
© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
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