Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

(1) Jumping to Top of Page

(3) The Use of automatically generated Tabs

(3) The Use of Taxa Menus in the left Column

1 Jumping to Top of Page

Please use the button at the bottom right of every page to easily go to the top of the page.

2 The Use of automatically generated Tabs

To simplify the comparison of the organism descriptions of two or more consecutively selected preview images,
separate tabs are generated automatically for each. After closing the observation tabs you return automatically to basic tab.

    Basic tab (red arrow) with the visual key,
the collection of preview images.
Observation tab (green arrow) as a result of a click on one
of the thumbnails, each click creates an additional tab!

If you don’t allow your browser to generate tabs automatically, you can jump back to the page of the basic visual key of the organism group by pressing the button “Back to Visual Key” on the end of every observation page:

3 The Use of Taxa Menus in the left Column


  1. All inner nodes of the menus are also selectable. To select these, please tap them twice on touch devices (tablet, smartphone), especially in portrait mode!
  2. For convenient menu navigation, landscape mode is recommended. It then corresponds to that of desktop devices.

All menu items in the left menu bar lead to new pages; this also applies to many menu items in the drop-down levels. This is indicated by the hand symbols (yellow arrows) that appear if a page is selectable.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer 2009 – 2024

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