Tiny Organisms in Aquatic Habitats

Diatoms – SAR-Stramenopiles (Bacillariophyta)

Observations on Thalassiosira eccentrica

Position in the EOL taxonomic tree. Please click on the tree view below to access EOL (Encyclopedia of Life).

Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1904

Most likely ID: n.a.

Basionym:  Coscinodiscus eccentricus Ehrenberg 1840

Add’l Synonyms: Coscinodiscus kryophilus Grunow 1884
                               Thalassiosira excentrica Karsten 1905
                               Thalassiosira excentrica f. velata A.Cleve 1942
                               Thalassiosira excentrica var. fasciculata f. polychordus Chernov 1947
                               Thalassiosira excentrica f. major Jousé 1959

Sampling date 01/2018. Scale bars indicate 25 µm.

Two images. Note that the delicate spines of the Thalassiosirales are chitinous.

Please click on < or > on the image edges or on the dots at the bottom edge of the images to browse through the slides!

Place name: Baltic Sea, Kieler Förde, Kiel Fjord (Germany)
Latitude: 54.3894126     Longitude: 10.1749055

Microscope Zeiss Axioplan, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF images.

Sampling date 04/2019. Scale bars indicate 25 µm.

Two images.

Please click on < or > on the image edges or on the dots at the bottom edge of the images to browse through the slides!

Place name: Baltic Sea, Kieler Förde, Kiel Fjord (Germany)
Latitude: 54.3894126     Longitude: 10.1749055

Microscope Zeiss Axioplan, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF images.

Thalassiosira eccentrica

Sampling date 01/2018. Scale bar indicates 50 µm.

Place name: Baltic Sea, Kieler Förde, Kiel Fjord (Germany)
Latitude: 54.3894126     Longitude: 10.1749055

Microscope Zeiss Axioplan, camera Olympus OM-D M5 MKII. DOF images.

Thalassiosira eccentrica

Sampling date 04/2011. Scale bar indicates 25 µm.

Place name: North Sea around Heligoland 
Latitude: 54.186311     Longitude: 7.895034

Microscope Zeiss Universal, camera Olympus C7070WZ. DOF image.

© Wolfgang Bettighofer,
images under Creative Commons License V 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA).
For permission to use of (high resolution) images please contact postmaster@protisten.de.

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